
Thanks for such an amazing summer everyone! We are fueled by an overflowing abundance of creative outpouring, legendary smiles & connections, dancing together under the moon, and divine moments of truth.
Time to go through all the photos and nostalgically bathe in warm and creamy reminiscence. Ah, autumn... 

Some recent updates: 

- Started a "collaborations" section, featuring some of the combined efforts with beloved fellow painters.

- Updated the "found wood" series with some happy dimethyl-muppets.

- Check out this fun morphing gif my good friend Ben Ridgway put together of the 'skulls' paintings.

- And I'm delighted to be featured on Huffington Post, in Jacob Devaney's eloquent synopsis of his time at Symbiosis Gathering!

"Space Pussy" :P -  live painting from Rootwire 2013

Stay tuned kids, more good things to come!